The Skillset Which Enhances All Skillsets

Leadership & Management Teams

Management is first and foremost psychology. Once you understand and implement the principles that govern human behavior you can move more efficiently and effectively towards your common goal.

What specifically can this help us with?
  1. The team’s ability to mentally recover when it matters
  2. The team’s mission and identity
  3. Reducing erratic swings in performance
  4. Getting the most out of each player
  5. Buy-in to individual roles, tactics, etc.

The N.I.C Program for Leadership Teams

This program allows Leadership Teams to master the dynamics that affect the overall performance of the unit. It tackles the 3 main components which give rise to performance related issues:

Step 1 – Neutrilse Performance Traps

The Leadership Team’s fears & fantasies affect their ability to make objective, tactical and strategic decisions under pressure. These perceptions are responsible for the brain operating from its most primitive pain avoidance & pleasure-seeking regions resulting in:

  • Impulsive decision-making,
  • Fear & anxieties which players pick up on and
  • Issues surrounding confidence, self-worth, and self-belief.

Solution – By holding the Leadership Team accountable to answering a series of questions we can dissolve the emotional charge allowing the athlete to remain rooted in the prefrontal brain regions resulting in higher probabilities of:

  • mission-focused decision-making and
  • greater levels of emotional control in key moments

Step 2 – Identity – A teams perception of themselves, their mission and buy-in

A Team’s self-image has a major impact on how they perform in the moment and over time. By creating a mission that is aligned with each of the individual players own unique hierarchy of priorities we maximise buy-in.

Step 3 – Certainty v Uncertainty – of progress and performance

How Leadership Teams measure the teams and Individuals:

  1. improvement and development throughout the season, & 
  2. Performance in competition over time

Greatly impacts whether they are rooted in Systems 1 or Systems 2 thinking. Click here to understand more about systems 1 and systems 2 thinking and performance under pressure.