Perform When It Matters Most

Performance reflects your psychology

One of the reasons I love this work is because it works. If your goal is to enhance your physical body and you follow a program that is aligned with the laws of physiology you will see results. The same applies to working with the mind. When you understand its mechanics and you follow the rules you will see immediate and long-lasting results.

What are these long-lasting results?

  1. The ability to deliver, under pressure, efficient & effective performances with a degree of certainty and poise.
  2. Making consistent incremental improvements towards fulfilling your potential as an athlete.
  3. Feeling enthusiastic and light before big occasions not fearful and heavy.
  4. Become skilled at transforming your deepest challenges into your most meaningful experiences.
  5. To exit your career with a sense of calm and fulfillment.

Does experiencing these results require effort and a little time?

Of course, but first and foremost it requires the realisation that the work is necessary, once you have this the rest will take care of itself.

Does everyone get there?

If it is important enough to them then yes.

The N.I.C Program

The N.I.C program is a 3 step process that rebuilds your performance mindset from the ground up.

Step 1 – Neutrilse Performance Traps

An athlete’s fears & fantasies are the root of performance-related issues. These perceptions are responsible for the brain operating from its most primitive pain avoidance & pleasure-seeking regions resulting in:

  • volatile swings in performance
  • impulsive decision-making,
  • performance-related anxieties, and
  • issues surrounding confidence, self-worth, and self-belief.

Solution – By holding the athlete accountable to answering a series of questions we can dissolve the emotional charge allowing the athlete to remain rooted in the prefrontal brain regions resulting in higher probabilities of:

  • mission-focused decision making
  • consistent execution of key skills
  • greater levels of emotional control in key moments

Step 2 – Identity – An athlete’s perception of self and their mission

An athlete’s belief about themselves and others has a major impact on how they perform in the moment and over time. Beliefs such as “I am a confidence player” can greatly hinder an athlete from performing at a high level consistently and fulfilling their innate potential.

Solution – Perceived core beliefs about self and others can be transformed within 30 minutes if you know how to ask the right questions and are held accountable for answering them honestly. Transforming your beliefs about yourself and others leads to a profound shift in your identity.

Who you believe you are affects how you perceive the world and therefore how you decide and act. Your identity acts like a type of gatekeeper, admitting or restricting your access to your highest states of potential.

Step 3 – Certainty v Uncertainty – of progress and performance

How a player measures their:

  1. Individual improvement and development throughout the season, and 
  2. Performance in competition over time

Greatly impacts whether they are rooted in Systems 1 or Systems 2 thinking. Why?

The Uncertainty principle

When an objective or goal is set without clear step-by-step actions for its attainment, the brain perceives uncertainty. 

Uncertainty can be interpreted by the brain as a threat which in turn triggers an emotional response, often characterized by anxiety or fear. This emotional arousal prepares the body for a “fight-or-flight” response, increasing vigilance and readiness to respond to potential dangers. 

While this reaction has its place, it is not the wisest place to operate from if looking to make tactical and strategic decisions to attain a particular outcome in the future.

Players and teams often set Improvement and Performance objectives which unwittingly trigger this amygdala response and thereby increase their emotional volatility index rooting them in systems 1 thinking. To understand the effects of Systems 1 and Systems 2 thinking on performance follow the link


I have had the privilege of being coached by Gavin for four seasons and I can confidently say that his dedication, expertise, and passion for the game have truly transformed my overall hockey experience. He is more than just a coach; He is a mentor, a motivator, a great listener, and a true leader both on and off the pitch. What sets Gavin apart is his genuine investment in each player’s development and success. He takes the time to understand our individual strengths and weaknesses, thus tailoring his approach to help us grow both as players and individuals. His passion for sport is infectious, and it’s clear that he genuinely cares about each player’s growth and well-being beyond our performance on the field. In summary, Gavin is not just a good hockey coach; he is an exceptional one. I am incredibly grateful for the impact Gavin has had on my hockey journey, and I wholeheartedly recommend him to anyone seeking a coach who can inspire, motivate, and elevate their performance.

Sinead Connery
Former Irish International Hockey